64 GB In Your Pocket, New Flash Memory Technology By SanDisk

SanDisk has announced a substantial advancement in flash memory technology which was introduced in International Solid State Circuits Conference in San Francisco.

This new flash chip enables you to carry 64 GB of data right in your pocket, chip size is just about fingernail. And all this is done by storing four bits per cell, where as in standard one or two bits per cell.

"Developing a four-bit-per-cell chip is a massive challenge, and we consider this to be a major breakthrough," says Khandker Quader, senior vice president of memory technology and product development at SanDisk.

In recent years, flash memory has become backbone of latest electronics industry and it is been used in all most all gadgets, like laptops, gaming consoles, cameras and in many more stuffs.

SanDisk came with whole new algorithms that runs on a flash memory chip controller which makes this device ahead than current chips. This algorithms are significant factors in reliably cramming in four bits per cell.

"We've introduced a number of key concepts that allow us to manage the memory side of it," says Quader. "The complexity of this distribution is so much different than what you're doing with two bits per cell."


See this blog post said...

flash memory has shown promising start ... thou, technology is still new, but major industry players are working hard on it ...

Vancouver Makeup Artist said...

sandisk might be the first owner of flash disks type...

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