Intel's Silicon Photonics Promising High-Performance Computing

Intel is saying it has made an important advancement in the use of silicon-based components which help in transmitting computer data at much faster rate and above all in cheaper way.

The particular advancement was made in area known as silicon photonics, which uses standard, inexpensive silicon to send and revive information within several computer servers in a data center and other electronic devices. The research was published over the weekend in Nature Photonics by Intel, it is also said that it can lead to faster communications between cores in a single processor or among multiple processor within a single computer.

The latest achievement by Intel is to building a silicon-based photodetector. Photodetector helps in capturing and amplifying data-carrying laser beams which used in optical communications for faster and reliable communication than copper wire, which used to transmit data over long distances transmit ion for example telecommunications or cable TV.

Using photodetector it is possible to build a silicon photonics device that can move data at 40 Gbps or faster. Moreover, the device is capable of exceeding performance, at less cost that currently manufactured devices which are more expensive optical materials, such as indium phosphide.

Intel plans to combine its new photodetector with other silicon based components the company has developed for transmitting computer data which includes a modulator and hybrid laser. "This research result is another example of how silicon can be used to create very high-performing optical devices," Mario Paniccia, Intel Fellow and director of the company's Photonics Technology Lab, said in a statement.

However, Intel is not the only company developing silicon photonics. The other companies like Luxtera, a California based company which is already producing silicon-based optical components.


Makeup Artist Directory said...

Intel's Silicon Photonics is really impressive device...

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