On Thursday, Samsung announced that it has used its 50-nm circuit technology to built the first and only 4-GB DDR3 PC memory chips, which is said that it offers more capacity will requires much less power than currently available DDR3 chips.
Aim of company is to built new green generation PCs with its new technology, which will be utilized in 16-GB dual in-line memory modules or likely to be used in RDIMM for servers; 8 GB unbuffered DIMM for workstation and desktop PCs, as well as for laptop with 8 GB small outline DIMM.
DDR3 is a type of DRAM technology, which comes with a several advantages over previous technology which was DDR2. Most beneficial point of DDR3 is its data transfer rate which is high up to eight times than the previous technology, while power consumption is reduce up to 30% and that makes a big difference, in particular when we all are talking about green technology.
"We have leveraged our strength in innovation to develop the first 4-GB DDR3, in leading the industry to higher DRAM densities," Kevin Lee, VP for technical marketing at Samsung Semiconductor, said in a statement.
Samsung's new technology is capable of operating at 1.35 volts and has a maximum speed of 1.6 Gbps, (for me it is quite high). Samsung is applying its dual-die package technology to its 16-GB modules which can be combined to get one maximum 32-GB dual-die package, which is twice the capacity of products based on the previous highest chip density.
Samaung said that it will imposed its 50 nm technology to all its DRAM products. It is to be noted that, company had already released its 50 nm 2-GB DDR3 DRAM, on other hand Samsung also offers 1-GB DDR3 DRAM.
According to IDC figures, it is said that by 2011, DDR3 is expected to account about 72% of the DDR market, while 29% this year.
For Nature pictures follow the link, Life In Lens.
I have personally used Samsung DDR3 RAM and i can say that this primary memory chip is good ... and that too comes in 50 nm technology....
Samsung ddr3 primary memory is really good enough to work with and must say that the this 50 nm technology is also good...
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